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Photo Gallery - 2021

April 17th:

 Cemetery Clean-Up Day


Members of the Confederate Cemetery Association enjoy breakfast as they worked to mow and string trim the grounds. Members of the SCV Hood's Texas Brigade, Camp #153 & Texas Lone Star Greys, Camp #1953, TSOCR Alamo Rose Chapter #4,

UDC Albert Sydney Johnston, Chapter #2060, and the MOS&B Lawrence Sullivan Ross, Chapter #184 also came out to help. 


Members of the CCA (April 17th's Work Crew):

Top Row: Don Olinger,  Mrs. Jo Ann Seiler - CCA Sec., Mrs. Ana Olinger, Mrs. Phyllis Tausch, Rodney Seiler, L.J. Eubank.

Bottom Row: John McCammon - CCA Pres., Bobby Moore, Dustin Seiler - CCA Webmaster.

April 25th:
 Confederate Decoration Day


The Strangers Feild of the Confederate Cemetery flaged by the CCA members in preparation for the big day!


Captain George "Bubba" Cheek leads the Trans-Misssissippi Old Guard in the posting of the colors. Offically opening the service.


Texas Division President, Mrs. Tami U. Hurley of the United Duaghters of the Confederacy  brought special greetings to the CCA as we honored Mrs. Sallie Moore Houston. 


Chapter Commander Raymond B. Reevs of the MOS&B Lawrence Sullivan Rosss, Chapter #184 was one of the many dignitaries at the Decoration Day. Commander Reeves is also the Lt. Commander of SCV Hood's TExas Brigade, Camp #153.


Captain George "Bubba" Cheek orders the Trans-Misssissippi Old Guard to open fire a salute the Confederate Heros that are buried in the Cemetery.


Reverand Leon Steiner - Camp Chaplian of SCV Hood's Texas Brigade, Camp #153 leads the opening invocation. 


Mrs. Rita Schippf, Chapter Historian of the UDC Albert Sydney Johnston, Chaprer #2060 gave her presentation on Mrs. Sallie Moore Houston who oeginized and funrasied for the Cenotaph that was erected in Travis Park.


Mrs. Jo Ann Seiler  who dose double duty as the Secretary/Treasurer of BOTH the Texas Society Order of Confederate Rose - Alamo Rose Chapter #4 and the CCA, leads the Black Roses in the silent service. Her Gentlamn Grey is her husband, Rodney W. Seiler who is the Camp Adjutant of SCV Hood's Texas Brigade, Camp #153


Hood's Texas Brigade Light Artillary prepars to fire a cannon salute.

May 27th:
 Cemetery Clean-Up Day


Commander Christian Lee & Lt. Commander Cody Chrislip of the SCV Alamo City Guards, Camp #1325, along with Past Commander Mark Riser of SCV Hood's TExas Brigade, Camp #153 & Lt. Commander Juan Torres of SCV Texas Lone Star Greys, Camp #1953 with CCA President John McCammon

June 5th:
 Cemetery Clean-Up Day


CCA President John McCammon on his steed "Red Rebel" demolishing aunt mounds and cutting the grass in his desert head gear.

Rodney W. Seiler, a member of the Roads & Grounds Committee works on string trimming the stranger row.


Lt. Commander Grady Driver of the SCV Medina Co. Greys, Camp #2254 string trims behinds John around some of the headstones. 


CCA Secretary Jo Ann Seiler & Lt. Commander Juan Torres of SCV Texas Lone Star Greys, Camp #1953 take break after working on the brush/

June 11th:
 SCV Hood's Texas Brigade, Camp #153 Meeting


Camp Commander Dustin W Seiler  of the SCV Hood's Texas Brigade, Camp #153 and CCA Webmaster presented a Oak wood carving of the Great Seal of the Confederacy to Texas Division Commander and Confederacy Cemetery Association President, John McCammon. The seal will be used in the creation of speakers podium for the Confederate Decoration Day, 2022.

June 12th:
 Cemetery Clean-Up Day


CCA President John McCammon on his steed "Red Rebel" demolishing aunt mounds and cutting the grass...AGAIN. After the it rained 2" from the previous week.

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